26 December 2006


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From Me To them

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Special Thanks To Adry & Irma for all the stuff we have experienced this year and the passed ones. best wishes to u, always. I love ya.

My xtmas presents

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well this year I've been blessed and I got many Xtmas presents
thanks to all of you 4 care 4 me, 4 ur wishes to me, and the presents u gave me

all these present came from my pupils and have some others from some friends... they still under the Xtmas tree & as today Im going to travel I think I'll open them after New year's day...alike the January 6th.
c ya. best wishes.

My little pupils' posada

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My Happy Christmas

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well as in Dec 24th after cooking I got sick I could't see anyone casuse I was in bed very sick ..yesterday at christmas I could get out and I visited some friends of mine...ufff we have alike ten years of being friends and this is our first time gettin a Xtmas Dinner together ..thanks Alfredo and Ruben

There is something more to say: Alfredo and me were together at Elementary school , we were at the same grade and group;we met each other since then, we were 6 years old, now we are 24, we have been friends since then, recently he was with me at my University Graduation, and I was in his weding, Yesterdar I was in his house with his wife and our other friend Ruben I was a good time together And he was very surprised about this photo I showed him, yes it has passed to much time. I hope to spedt more time with these guys till we become grandpas.
( im the kid dressed in a brown jacket & and alfred dressed in a purple jacket)

24 December 2006

Xtmas Eve

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well some days ago coming back from my job.. after mu little student's posada organizated by me . I was think how fun we had and I promised that in these hollydays Im Not going to drink any of Alcohol... yes as you read it ! No alcohol for me . I think that Xtmas time has another meaning that getting drunk, or being running from store to another buying xtmas present, what you have to wear that night, the xtmas dinner... etc etc . we only need share time with the people we care and love...and alcohol is not neccesary to do that.

well I got to go I have something baking down stairs 4 the xtmas dinner. c ya.

Ok this his what I was baking:

19 December 2006

Xtmas Festival

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Uff finally is done... a lot to tell about it,,, it was fun, sad, reflexive and much more ... but who stole the night was Yael , she's a star, really she is ( coming soon)

by the moment just one pic
Yael, Me & Carlo

18 December 2006

The return

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Yes, Im back
c ya.

15 December 2006

I´m Alive, almost fine.

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ufffff I´m back
this week has been very hard here is the list
1. make the test´s guides for my groups
2. elaborate the tests
3.practice everyday the show 4 the xtmas fest by my students
4. help them to learn the lyrics from the song ¨rocking around the xmas tree¨
5. help them to learn the coreography 4 the show
6. practice and practice
7. colect some money from my student´s parents to the posada
8. make the organization from the posada ( what to eat, drink, candies , and ask who to bring them)
9.get the last accesories 4 the show at the xtmas fest.
10.asked to my student´s parent 4 some accesories and material to elaborate some xtmas present made by my student by their own hands.
11. help the students to elaboarate the xtmas hand made present
( besides all that keep working 4 the bimestral test which was today)
12. help my student´s parent to get their costumes 4 the show at the fest
13. elaborate a soldier hat as an example to them to copy ... get the suppliers for the material and send them a how to make it list .
14. ahhhhh I forgot my student from the french class that is almost the same except 4 the posada
15. I have to do a xtmas tree at home this weekend ( yes more work)

finally today my little students did very good at the xtmas show pratice .. they sang loud and excellent, they dance as a proffesional dancer and the most important with Oder, No one was hurted. NO one cried, no one complained .... Ufffff I was happy in that moment ... finally before 2 days 4 the presentation
but the main activity is coming , after that the posada comes and then I´ll be free on vacations by 2 weeks

what Am I gonna do alone in my apartment in this hollidays? I duno, Im planning a trip and if I do it I think I´ll stay there some months, to change this city , job, everything... I have to think a lot what to do.

well by the moment Im going to search one of my friends to get some beers and have fun jejejeje. c ya. leave a comment if u want to.

9 December 2006

by my own

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As I told u I live alone since last Tuesday
It was the time to leave my parent's house and do everything by my own, This is not the first time being outside my parent's house, I lived alone in Phoenix AZ, usa. by almost two years I lived with my aunt and some cousins, but now it's not the same anymore there is no relative living with me I get home from job and there is no one NOt even my dogs, there is no Mom there, Not my sister, there is no noise to hear, everything is in silence.
I know i can do everything as i used to do in my paren's house too but waht I miss is the company. Today I didn't do anything I feel bad after been 8 years working every weekend with dad I felt sad and called Adryana and now im here in her house to feel better.
now I know that my friends are there for me as a back up, I have received some many signals they care 4 me... Thanks adry and Irma u visited me. Thanks my friend Ruben u took me to a party & listened to me. Thanks Oliver because even being so far u sent me some words and u care 4 me.Thanks 4 ur support and more u give me. I love u friends.
I know im not the fisrt guy who leave his parent's house but my sadness is about I had almost 25 years living with them and now I cant see them anymore.
I want to tell dad and mom Im ok i'll be fine, thanks 4 everything u gave me, thanks 4 ur love, I really Love u.
I wanted to do this step some day and finally I did it, it's hard really hard, but I know i can do it and have my friends as a back up is easier.

I dont know how often I'll post cause now i have no computer at home not even a t.v. Everything is different now.
c ya all.

8 December 2006


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I have some days living alone renting an apartment and I feel estrange
Today i have an inivitation for a dinner an then 4 a Fac party.
I think Im Ok.
c ya

4 December 2006

Adios, Good Bye, Au revoir, auf Widersehen

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Im moving
Me mudo... despues de meses de hostilidades en esta Casa, soy considerado una persona NO grata...NO me quieren aqui.
En verdad creo que es lo mejor para no seguirnos lastimando y que mejor quede asi , aunque esta no era mi idea de salir de casa pues ya que!
Ya no somos compatibles aun y cuando yo hago mi maximo esfuerzo, hay muchos puntos en los cuales NO coincidimos:
1. que un dia me ire a vivir al extranjero
entre muchos otros puntos que desglosan de ahi,
pero dejenme decirle padres que con uds o sin uds, yo seguire adelante con mis planes y eso NO quiere decir que NO los ame o que nos los tome en cuenta
Soy un adulto ytengo mis propias decisiones que quiero seguir , podran estar de acuerdo O no pero NO se pueden imponer y yo hacer su voluntad a estas altura de nustras vidas.
Que yo puedo valerme por mi mismo Gracias a todo lo que me enseñaron, mostraron, dieron y ofrecieron,
Que yo los amo y me duele mucho partir asi Corrido de su casa como un delincuente o como a alguien a quien NO se le quiere o desea ahi.
Yo siempre he dado lo mejor de mi, trate en la mayor medida de lo posible de ser obediente y tomar lo bueno que me dieron.
Fui su niño que sacaba las boletas llenas de dieces ... los diplomas , las medallas...
Soy su hijo que Termino la universidad.... quien decidio estudiar y lo logro.
Soy su hijo quien Siempre ah estado ahi trabjando hombro con hombro con mi padre.
Soy su hijo quien siempre consolaba a su madre , la escuchaba y la paseaba y consentia
Soy su hijo quienes uds formaron y educaron
Soy su hijo quien les dio satisfacciones tambien desvelos como no
Soy su hijo quien ahora es un adulto y quiere volar, explorar y encontrar
Soy su Hijo Quien Los AMA.

Gracias Papa y Mama. Muchas Gracias .

Gracias por haber guiado mis primeros pasos
Gracias cuando era pequeño velaban mi sueño
Gracias porque cuando me enfermaba Me lleavaban al Doc y me daban mis medicinas
Gracias por haberme llevado a la escuela
Gracias por los permisos a las fiestas
Gracias por las regañadas cuando no llegaba a la hora
Gracias porque siempre que ocupe algo monetariamente me lo dieron
Gracias porque Siempre estaban ahi
Gracias por las muchas vacaciones maravillosas Que pasamos juntos
Gracias por que aun siendo grandote seguian velando mi sueño
Gracias por el apoyo recibido en mis viajes
Gracias por haberme dado estudios uiversitarios
Gracias por haberme dado un techo, sustento, vestio y comida
Gracias por mis fiestas de cumpleaños
Gracias por haberme dado eso hermanos
Gracias por sus consejos
Gracias por sus regaños
Gracias por Ser mis Padres.

Pero Se llego el momento de partir...Les deseo lo mejor que Dios los bendiga y que a mi NO me olvide... Nos estaremos viendo
Me llevo lo mejor de uds Conmigo ... Lo malo lo puedo ovidar...Adios.besos.

Su hijo Christian Guerrero Ibarra, Que los Ama.

No puedo dejar pasar la despedida a mi herman Que desde pequeñala tube en mis brazos a quien en algunas veces le cambie el pañal ... a qeuien siempre he cuidado y aconsejado Y que amo . Te veo pronto hermana. Sabes que cuentas conmigo para todo ahi estare para ti. Te dejo un aabrazo y un beso. Te quiero.

A mi hermano Jose... como olvidar cuando eramos niños y que hasta me descalabraste... eso juegos , esas risas... Tambien te quiero y garcias por haberme dado una sobrina tan hermosa. Cuidale mucho y hablale de su tio que la Ama.

A mis perros puppy y tiffany que se quedan aqui y que en verdad extrañare y que tambien Amo... siempre ellos esperandome ansiosos a cual queir hora hechandoseme encima y con besos y lenguetadas

Adios casa ...que extrañare cuantas cosas pasaron aqui y todo lo que vivi aqui.

Ya me fui , adios.

New Mexican President

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Ya se que ya paso pero NO habia podido postear...
Que tal el madruguete que dio Fox y el nuevo president ehhhh !
Y que del safarrancho que armaron en el congreso Quienes NOs gobiernan , Son basura.
Que verguenza que en todo el mundo dieron vuelta estas imagenes...Chale.

Pues por lo menos ya solo tenemos Uno..no que virtualmente teniamos tres.... Fox el presidente constitucional, el presidente electo y El peje que se autoproclamo en dias pasados... NUnca en la historia de ningun pais verdad, esto solo pasa en Mexico; donde por cierto NO pasa Nada.

sabado en familia

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el sabado pasado por azares del destino mi familia llamese Papa , mama Hermana , hermano y sobrina ...estuvimos juntos viendo la tele Un concierto de los 40 principales ...el hecho Emocionante no fue el concierto que por cierto fue en madrid muy bueno por cierto ....sino que toda la fam estabamos en la sala juntos viendo dicho evento, en paz y agusto.