30 October 2006

One about students: It's Not Possible, POPO again!!

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Now was Mario..why they just can wait 'till they get the restroom?

One about students: The first Love, first Kiss

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Ohhhh No I dunno what's happening with my little students they are falling in love... If it was not enough deal with them in all the stuff we do all days...Now they are having troubles about being jelous because they are falling in love of someone else... But we have funy moment like the kissed we seen today jejeje...OHHH my students, how funny they are!

Bad Day Starting

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I woke up before 5 am Today. I thinking what a have to do during the whole day. But as always that I tried to have things in control or I might think ther are Something special comes up. I took a shower ( water was very cool i meant cold). I tried to iron my job's uniform and.... Guess what ! the iron got burned by an electrical circuit shortcut....What!!! I screamed. I had to be on time to prepared the last stuff to the civic Ceremony at college where my students would have a Day of death ( Dia de muetos) presentation, In which I worked hard during weekend...
The day couldn't be satart in other way, Just giving me the oportunity to know once again I have to know how to manage not desired events..

As I could't go to work with out being ironed I decided to put the Iron on the stove to iron my Uniform...It was hard and it took me too much time, but finally I got out from the prob in a very rudimentary way.

Once at school I had to do a test to my students and the computer weren't working correctly...Someone helped us and some minutes before class I had the impressed tests on my hands.

thank God something good happend : I talked to Angel's mom ( he was at my english class las year and since then he is in my french class) She told me that Angel had stopped going to french class because His spanish teacher restriction... And said that Angel was very depresive because he was absent in french some days taht he wanted No more to go to school if he ere not in french class...He said he loves the french class and he is always happy to be there. $% me is a pleasure helps my student and...

29 October 2006

One More Hour

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sleeping more

28 October 2006

One about students: " Popo "

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One of my students yesterday...made popo in his pants......what a trouble we had !

Finally A breath

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Firts day off since...

Today's My Little Sister B-day

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Nitzia's Grad Party.

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I know Nitzia more than 2 years; Irma introduced her to me in any Irma's house party. Since the first time I looked her kind and funny and always joking. She always has good humor, well at least during the time whe had met in any event . Actually we have spent time together only in parties, Really I dont remember being together doing something serious, probably because we were not in the same falculty and we have our own stuff appart, but anyway I think this is the way we have a good friendship always in happy moments ( and with some alcohol in our blood flow ). It sound strange but alcohol makes us being together jejejeje.

I remember a party at Irma's house and we had a "piñata"; after we broke it, we had diving to the floor to collect some candies, later we exchanged our candies as Kids very excited who had won a prized; Not taking care of anything just the candies.

Now it's not kids adventures anymore, it's your grad Party Nitzia where u invited people who you care and care you...Thanks 4 make us part of ur succes getting ur Bachelor's degree from university as a politician... Best wishes to u now an then in your accendent professional carrer.

Create Your Own!

27 October 2006

The Wrong Way

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I cannnot Belive it yet.

I got off from job early this time ( Tuesday, oct 23)... as My car Is Broken Down I have to use the public transport as every Mortal here in Mexicali. One of my work mates gave a ride to the bus station; telling by the way is far from my work place. I said ufff!! at least I have no to Walk to the Bus Stop. A few metters to reach it, the bus Just passed in front of us, as Miss Tanya is a kind person she said she could took me to the other bus stop, I really said to her It was Not Necessary ( in my mind I was saying Please Do it ); this time I was on time in the next bus stop, I toook the bus but I made a stop to a suit store ( i was looking for my suit 4 the graduation dinner) I entered to the store I spent there as 15 minutes ( I was Not convinced to get somethin' there ) and Fortunatelly the bus was coming in front of me ( i felt lucky 4 Not to wait so long to take the bus again). As I was in a hurry I did Not read the bus sing and as it was the Same Color of the bus I take everyday I took it, But Big Error .... I took the bus incorrectly. This bus took 4 a while the same rout of the other one does, but suddenly I was going 4 another way...that was when I realized what stupid I had been!

there was No other thing to do that to finish the journey! Well I took another more bus in a junction and I spent there alike an a half hour plus the half hour to go to home.

Yes I know this only happens to me. (These events make my days differents and I could make fun of myself)

That's why I cant believe yet that I have living here my whole life ( 24 y) excepted when I lived almost 2 years in Phoenix USA... and Today I dunno to take the right bus in my own city ( since many years ago I used to drive my car ), if I were a stranger like Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist.

26 October 2006

I told You

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I told You Adry that u would appear in my blog.
Just to say thanks for the beers and the great moment we had talking remembering old times.
Thanks To called me & Care of me as Always you Do.

It was excellent to have a time getting relax with ur great company.
You just let me Know one more time u r always there 4 me doesn't matter if I need u or I don't.
u made this day counted.

24 October 2006

United Nations' Day

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We Have celebrated and remembered this Day at School; here are some Images.

Yesterday Monday my little students had their presentation about United Nations'day, they gave a brief story about de UN in the civic ceremony. They were really happy to parcipiate and they did and Excellent effort.

Today We have talked in class about how UN got conformed and its history.

They knew the importance to be UNITED with other countries to keep WORLD PEACE.

Create Your Own!

23 October 2006

Estragos de ser "Graduado"

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Hay momentos como este que desearia NO Haber ido a la Uni nunca.

Doctor's Day. October 23rd.

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Thanks Doctors for ur "priceless " labor ( just in a formal expression because some times is very expensive go to the doc.)

Thanks because u are always there when we feel bad or our health is not good.
(not so really in Mexico , there is a Lack of Docs in Mexico, Not all of us can have acces to a doc or an hospital).

Thanks to all the Excellent Docs are somewhere, Im sure you give as much as you can for yours patients, if would be possible I bet you will give your own life to save theirs. Thank you because some times u don't sleep, getting sure we sleep well.

Thanks for being there for us, Always Taking Care of Us.

22 October 2006

Replaced & sharing a story

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This Story starts almost 2 years ago...

Marcos: The Sub-Comandante in Mexicali

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En verdad creo que este Sr. Denominado Subcomandate Marcos No tiene nada que hacer aqui, bajo su slogan de " la otra campaña" cree que viene a salvar a todos. Para parecer muy caritativo y el superheroe se reunio con los indios cucapah ( sin ser despectivo) Que seguramente NO saben ni quien demonios es El, ni el porque de su visita. Ahora bien si nadie a podido hacer nada referente a nuestras tarifas electricas, en verdad cree El que es quien pude cambiar esto? o que el tiene la Solucion? a ver por que no Vinó en Verano con los 50 grados que gozamos afuera?.

Siguiendo con " la otra campaña" es que acazo habia una Ya y esta es la otra ? o esta es su segunda? y para empezar , Es esto una campaña? porque dejeme decirle Sr Subcomandante marcos : Que las campañas Electorales han terminado. Que acazo por andar en "la otra campaña" NO se dio cuenta?

Asi que Sr Subcoman ( ya entrados en confianza y en "la otra campaña" ) dejese de cosas y en verdad pongase a hacer algo constructivo y dejar progresar a su Chiapas que ya esta muy Jodido ( sin agradecerle la ayuda). MiIre que " la otra campaña" ya lleva sus años y en verdad no se le ve piez ni cabeza, sobre todo cabeza como ud. subcoman, que siempre anda encapuchado. A ver si pa cuando termine " la otra campaña" ya se deja ver y lo conocemos.

Familiares,Amigos, ex-compañeros de la uni y weyes del salon (como dice la adry) : Cabe recalcar que si por las lineas escritas arriba amanezco tirado en la selva, monte , camino o vereda de Chiapas ya saben por que fue y su responsable.

Aqui los hechos:

Viene “Marcos” a Mexicali

A la 1:00 dialogará con los habitantes de la comunidad indígena Cucapá en el poblado del Mayor a las afueras de Mexicali.Finalmente a las 18:00, el “Delegado Cero” sostendrá en privado una reunión con personas y organizaciones adherentes a “La Otra Campaña”.Dentro de las temáticas que se abordarán se encuentran las altas tarifas eléctricas, privatización de la educación y la calidad de los servicios básicos.

Dentro de las temáticas que se abordarán se encuentran las altas tarifas eléctricas, privatización de la educación y la calidad de los servicios básicos.

Agreden zapatistas a periodistas en gira de Marcos

Sábado, 21 de Octubre de 2006

Reporteros y camarógrafos trataron de acercarse a Marcos pero fueron detenidos con empujones, jaloneos e injurias para evitar que se acercaran para entrevistarlo.

Mexicali, Baja California.-
La visita a esta ciudad del subcomandante Marcos y zapatistas en la gira que realiza por el país como parte de “La otra campaña”, concluyó en una agresión de simpatizantes a periodistas locales.
Por la mañana, el también llamado Comandante Cero acudió a una reunión con simpatizantes del movimiento, en el salón social de los jubilados del Sindicato de Ferrocarrileros, como parte de su agenda en el estado.
Reporteros y camarógrafos trataron de acercarse al visitante pero fueron detenidos por el grupo que rodeaba al subcomandante con empujones, jaloneos e injurias para evitar que se acercaran para entrevistarlo.
Entre gritos e insultos de los simpatizantes y los llamados de periodistas que buscaban la entrevista con el representante zapatista, el subcomandante pasó frente a ellos, ignorándolos.
Más tarde, la Unión de Periodistas Democráticos de Mexicali en un comunicado repudió “la gangsteril agresión, antidemocrática y violatoria al derecho social a la información de que fuimos objeto este viernes por parte de un grupo de alienados”.

18 October 2006

One about students:"Locked"

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Yes as the title said "Locked", I got locked Today... I was working as regularly do, it was afternoon, My students & me were very busy working in class. As a human being we have the necessity to do our physiological needs; one of them asked me for permittion to go to the restroon, what I answered: " Yes ". But some minutes before other students were playing with the bolt. When the student who went to the restroom came back the door got Locked. Then other student wanted go out....But surpressively the door was closed, It was hard to open it; I tried myself to open it and I Couldn't, that was when we realized we were locked.
Children started screaming and running from one side to another in the classroom , Yes they were panic, I think I was too.
I looked at the window but it has a grille letting nobody get out, I asked children if someone had a cellphone ( yes I have NO cellphone) to call the princpal's office, Sophie gave me her cell and I called to the office but the cell was not on service it had an amount due. So I decided jut to open the window and shout out to someone to help us. That was the way we resolved it, Later people from the office were making fun of me, because they said I had a panic face... well we made fun together about the situation. Now and then I'll let the door open while the weather let us to do it; NOT to be involved in the same embarrased situation.

Children thanked me so much because they said I saved them.

This is NOT the END of the STORY.

When I was almost leaving the school, I was going to my car already; Mrs. principal Called me asking me If I could do her a favor, I accepted. This was the problem the keys from the cafeteria were inside, with the door locked. The padlock was ON.

Yes, I know this sounds familiar having troubles about locked.
Well, I started thinking how to get the keys which were inside, considering that the window has a grille too; making impossible get it in. I went to the old calssroom rubbles looking for a wire which fortunately I found it soon. Th window was opened so I introduced the wire to reach the keys and can open the door . It was a hard job casuse the keys were not near to the window, the wire was more of 3 meters long, it was difficult to get it in control...But I did it . I Reached the keys after 10 minutes controlling the wire; with the keys on the hand I opened the door and Mrs. principal was surprised what I did . She said She never could imagine to do that. ( even her 18 years old son was there who just said: there's nothing to do, we have to wait 'til the locksmith comes.)
was this a divine message?
why was I involved in these two acts about the same topic:Locked?
Only thing I can say Is: I have to be prepared for everything, and take life easy as it is. Itdoesn't matter how easy or difficult the problem seems to be. When all Doors are Closed there is always an opened Window. ( Now proved by me).

17 October 2006

One about Students: "the Ruler"

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Today It was a very hard day at work.

I was giving my class as everyday with my little students from 1st grad; the time to asign homework arrived... actually some students are always happy to have homework, some of them always ask for it by themselves. But there is always one who never wants homework as Richie does. I was explaining them what about the HM and how to do it. Suddenly Richie came to me with a RULER in his hand Complaining and arguing it was too much; I told him It wasn't true, it was only one page from the book and those excercises they already praticed during class. He was angry in an instant and he HIT ME with the RULER in my arm. I got very furioooous, but fortunatelly I could stayed calm down, really I dind'nt know how but I did. It passed just 2 minutes and I started expose Richie's bad Behavior in front of the class, telling them that it was an intolerable bad action NOT ALLOWED in class, everybody was convinced it was Incorrect; next to that I took Richie to the principal's Office; as Always Richie was crying like a little baby got hurted when the hurted was Me. I tell Mr. Principal what occurried and Richie got detention and 3 days off because of his action.

Very late he went to me to apologized...I accepted, he said It was an accidden and I answered him that kind of accidents must never happen by any way, saying the punishment was already adcquired and given.

a Day off

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Well yesterday I dind't want to go to work as I got bed very late the night before; I was very tired. It was not to stay in bed all day long NO..It was just Not to go to work.
I went to buy the newspaper and laid on the couch with a coup f coffe, watching news on the T.V at the same time.. Just spending a morning at home.

But the day wasn't wasted at all, I went to the city hall to handed in my Resume if I could get a new job working with the goverment.
Also I started to look for my suit I'm going to use in the Graduation's dinnner Party next November 3rd.

In the evening I went to Irma's home to pick up my bookbag I use at work, I forgot it in her car some days ago way to Graduation's official Ceremony at University.

Got Visited

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Last Sunday we got an excellent visit: my lovely niece came home to visit us.
This time I was waiting for her all week long, finally she arrived. At the beginning she was little confused about who I am because of we are together just one day a week, so distance maybe make her not recognize the familiar faces. But I talked to her a little bit and she could know who I am. Here are some pictures during the visit.

I Love & enjoy spent time with her, Really I do.

Look at her: "Very sad" leaving, getting in the car going back to her home.

Unfortunatelly Not everything was good at all because when my brother and me took Nataly back to her mom taht is very far far away from our house we Got Out of Gas, Yes I hate when this happens... adn we were almost an hour by car far from our house, I dont know why but my brother got the tank empty regularly as he doesn't know that "cars Works with Gas" not with the tank full of nothing. I really got angry, I meant furious.
This is the car: a ford ranger.

15 October 2006

An Angel

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Im not going to say too much in this post; I think pictures speak by themselves.

I just want to say: I LOVE MY LITTLE NIECE.

This was the first pic I took her.It's funny because she made a funny face and a movement saying: Ohh NO a CAM !

My uncle will attack me now and then!

Susana's B-day II

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I had a lot of time with any contact with Susi , and Suddenly my Brother told me it was her B-day and we were invited. I just said Ok.

I remember when I met Susi 4 the first time; It was at the community Church like 11 or 12 years ago. She was always with her sisters Angelica and Betty. She was very shy and quited. It was hard to have a conversation with her, she used to be almost all the time in silence, she had talked just for the neccesary.

( Chris, Angelica, Susi,Betty, my bro. Pepe )

"Note": if you look the pic is wrinkled is because of the person who took it always moved the cam.
They are 3 sisters: Angelica ,Susana & Betty and we are 3 Brothers: Jesus Angel ( Chuy ) , Jose Angel ( pepe) & Christian. People used to told us : why don't you pick each one to one another. people said would be funny 3 sisters & and 3 brothers together as couples.
But now that years have passed, She is a new Susi ... She looks like more confident to talk in public and she looks very different .

When I get to the party It's was very strange being there with some people I haven't seen too much time; I started talking with Betty. We talk about our jobs and some other things. I went to susi to give her a hug. and after that I was eating Carne asada tacos.

Two hours passed and betty proposed a toast in honour of her sister. I dind't want to drink but the ocassion was perfect to do it . We started drinking Whisky and then Tequila. I could handle mixing beverages and Susi is a good mate to drink and she is very funny even when she is with out any alcohol in her blood flow. But Susi who never used to drink got 3 tequila shoots and by the time she wanted stand up ( just past like 10 minutes drinking and standing up ) Se just Couldn't ...She stood up and fall sat in the chair, afortunately she could reached the chair again. after that se was saying OHHHH NOOO I'm drunk !, and really she was. She felt sorry about her situation but we tried to convence her It was as a result She never Drinks.
As you can see in the pic the Tequila was almost Frozen... I thought the same ...WHatttttt??? and whyyyy? Angelica who was as bar tender said that tastes better...and Really it Tastes BETTER too much better; with his lemon with salt..just excellent.

Me and betty. My brother Pepe & Angelica.
Susi got some gifts . but was one which captured my attention a Cow. Yes, that one Susi holds in her hand is a Cow the strange here 4 me is that the Cow is Round as a ball...I said wooww it's original . Susi said her Boyfriend always gives her strange presents. I had never seen a Round Cow even as a toy.
It was good spent time with them and remember old memories.